Favorite Things Part 4: Chia Bars from Health Warrior

Health_Warrior_Logo-0Recently I’ve become addicted to Chia Bars from Health Warrior.  I think I first heard about them from Jonathan Levitt on twitter, but never pulled the trigger. Then they had a great deal from Abe’s Market to try two for a buck each so I figured it was worth a try. A few days later two Acai Chia Bars showed up and I was hooked.

The first thing I liked about them was the taste. They were sweet, but not overly sugary, chewy, and a had a little crunch from the chia seeds themselves. When I first pulled them out of the package though they looked a little small and I thought they weren’t worth the cost. Here’s where I was wrong. Don’t let their size fool you they will keep you pleasantly satisfied. Since chia seeds are hydrophilic they absorb 10x their weight in water. I usually eat them with some water and they tend to satisfy any mid-day runger sneaking up on me. I also like that they don’t sit like a rock in your stomach. I’ve found them easy to digest, and don’t give me any GI issues when I’m running. I also like that they’re compact so I can tuck them into my shorts or UD waist pack for longer runs. I’ve found them to be an excellent source of on the go energy. They’re also really good for you! All the nutritional details are laid out on their website but here’s the highlights for me:  100 calories, 5g sugar, 4g fiber, 3g protein, 1060mg Omega-3, and are gluten/soy/GMO free, and are 100% Vegan. Many people call chia seeds a “superfood” and I would have to agree. They offer big benefits in a small package.chia bars

Health Warrior not only sells Chia Bars, but also sells bags of chia seeds in bulk. They even have a recipe section of their site to offer some suggestions on what else you can do with chia seeds. One of my favorite things is to make “chia pudding” using a little almond or coconut milk and some oats. It’s an easy breakfast that I can prep the night before if I know I’ll be out the door early the next day. This year I know I’ll be a regular chia bar eater and plan on using them more during long runs in place of some gels. I hope you’re all as pumped up on chia as I am because Health Warrior has been kind enough to offer some samples to one lucky reader! Just enter via the Rafflecopter below and a sample pack of chia bars could coming your way!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


18 thoughts on “Favorite Things Part 4: Chia Bars from Health Warrior

  1. These guys sponsored VT100. I know you’re not supposed to try new things in a 100 mile run, but I did, and I was super pleased. Love these things!

  2. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    I love chia! I put it in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal…can’t get enough. I have tried these bars and love them as well! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Kaiti says:

    Hi Benton! I have Chia Pudding for lunch every day – I put 3 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 can of coconut milk, and a dash of agave in the fridge overnight (this makes 3 servings) and eat it with a handful of berries and a scoop of almond butter! Delicious, easy, and it fills me up all afternoon (I’m usually quite the snacker). I’d love to try these Chia bars!

  4. Caroline says:

    I’ve tried chia “pudding” but would love to try these bars…it’s always nice knowing all the ingredients!

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